Vedanta Ltd.plans to invest more than INR 1.00-lakh-crore in Rajasthan. This was decidedpost-meeting between the Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Bhajan Lal Sharma and adelegation of Rajasthan ministers, with Vedanta Chairman, Anil Agarwal. Theinvestments by the group are spread across zinc, oil and gas, and renewableenergy, in the process helping to create more than two lakh jobs, develop morethan 500 downstream industries across multiple areas, and support importsubstitution.
Hindustan Zincwill invest INR 30,000-crores to double zinc capacity from 1.2 MTPA to 2.0MTPA, silver from 800 tonnes to 2,000 tonnes, and set-up a 1.0 MTPA fertilizerplant. Vedanta also announced the setting up an industrial park around theUdaipur area on a non-profit basis, for small and medium scale industries from INR5.00-crores onwards. This will create massive industrial complexes fordownstream industries, as there are hundreds of applications of zinc and silverwhich are used in auto, power, infrastructure, railways and more.
Cairn Oil andGas plans to invest INR 35,000-crores to increase capacity to 3.0 lakh barrelsper day. Serentica Renewables will invest INR 50,000-crores to develop 10,000MW renewable power capacity to support the above investments, aid energytransition, and ensure highest environmental standards and green manufacturing.
Anil Agarwal,Chairman, Vedanta Ltd., commented, “Rajasthan is one of the few states whichhas hydrocarbons and a vast number of critical minerals, such as zinc, lead,silver, gold, copper, potash, rock phosphate, marble, different types ofhigh-quality stones, and others. Hindustan Zinc and Cairn will lead explorationefforts across each of these minerals, providing investments, setting upmanufacturing and processing plants, creating smelters, and recovering shalegas and tight oil.”
Hon’ble ChiefMinister of Rajasthan, Shri Bhajan Lal Sharma meets with Vedanta Chairman AnilAgarwal.