Transaction includes transfer of VolvoCE’s paving businesses in Bangalore, Linyi (China), and ABG facility in Hameln(Germany).
Ammann’s production facilities in Mehsana,and Suzhou (China) to also add to production of ABG Pavers in the near future.
Ammann Group to retain the ABG brandand logo as per the terms of the acquisition.

ABG 8820 Tracked Asphalt Paver
Ammann Group has finalised itsacquisition of the ABG paving product line from Volvo Construction Equipment(Volvo CE). The transaction includes the transfer of Volvo CE’s pavingbusinesses in Linyi (China) and Bangalore (India) as well as Volvo CE´s ABGfacility in Hameln (Germany).
“ABG is a strong brand that we’re proudto welcome to Ammann,” said Hans-Christian Schneider, CEO of Ammann. “We willcontinue to build on ABG’s exceptional product line and reputation and providecomplete roadbuilding solutions for the industry.”
ABG pavers and screeds will continue tobe produced at the facility in Hameln. Amman Group’s production facilities in Mehsana,India, and Suzhou, China will also begin production in the near future.
As a part of the transaction, Ammannwill retain the ABG brand name. “The ABG brand is synonymous with quality inthe industry and aligns perfectly with Ammann’s history in asphalt compaction,”said Bernd Holz, Executive Vice President at Ammann.
“This synergy elevates our capabilityto provide comprehensive, cutting-edge road construction equipment solutionsacross India and the globe. It strategically positions us to cater to India'sburgeoning infrastructure needs that are critical towards building a strongbase for sustainable economic growth. With ABG’s strong product portfolio, weshall intensify our delivery of high-performance paving products that alignperfectly with our history of excellence in asphalt paving and compaction,” saidDheeraj Panda, Managing Director, Ammann India Pvt. Ltd.
Ammann will leverage its industry knowledge andcustomer relationships to guide the development of the pavers, with ABG inHameln (Germany) becoming the Centre of Excellence for paving operations withinthe Group.