Metso’senergy-efficient Vertimill just got bigger: over 50% more power than theprevious models.
Metso hasintroduced the world’s most powerful vertical screw type stirred mill, theMetso Vertimill® 7000. Developed as a solution to lower total cost ofownership, the large mill allows for more available grinding power. One Vertimill®7000 grinding mill replaces the need for multiple smaller stirred mills toachieve the same power output.
“The MetsoVertimill® 7000 features the same high energy efficiency as the previousmodels, but with over 50 per cent more power. In addition, it is equipped withdouble door access, so less space is needed to open the doors. The unithas also been equipped with side discharge grinding media ports to avoid doublehandling of the media during service operations. Just like the otherVertimill® models, this new giant can be used for grinding almost any typeof ore bodies. Typically, these robust stirred mills are used for regrinding,secondary, and tertiary grinding as well as for lime slaking,”explains Graham Davey, Director, Stirred Mills at Metso.
MetsoVertimill® stirred mills offer the lowest total cost of ownership thanksto their superior energy efficiency, long maintenance intervals, andimprovement in the profitability of concentrators. With over 500 installationsworldwide, the Vertimill® has proved to be a reliable grinding solution.