Mahindra RoadMaster Motor Graders have emergedas the Masters of road construction.
In the world of Motor Graders, one name standsout: Mahindra RoadMaster. Known for its exceptional performance, reliability,and cost-efficiency, Mahindra RoadMaster has become a favourite in the roadconstruction industry.
Backed by the Mahindra Group, a $19.4-billionglobal conglomerate with the philosophy of ‘Rise’ — Mahindra ConstructionEquipment aims to empower contractors and communities by making high-qualityroad-building accessible and profitable.
With decades of expertise drawn from Mahindra’swell-established tractor and utility vehicle brands, Mahindra ConstructionEquipment has crafted the RoadMaster series to deliver state-of-the-arttechnology, high productivity, and uncompromised quality. Today, MahindraRoadMaster holds the second-largest market share in competitive horsepower segmentsand leads in the sub-100 HP motor grader category, making it the go-to choicefor a range of road construction projects.

MahindraRoadMaster G9075: Optimized for Affordability and Performance
The Mahindra RoadMaster G9075 is an affordableand efficient motor grader, perfectly suited for rural and medium-scaleprojects. Designed with fuel efficiency and low maintenance costs in mind, ithelps contractors achieve superior grading performance without inflating costs.
Engine:The motor grader is powered by a 55 kW (74 HP), 3.5-liter, 4-cylinder CRDiengine that provides 345 Nm of torque, ensuring consistent, high-qualitygrading.
FuelEfficiency: The G9075 achieves a best-in-class fuelefficiency of 7-8 litres per hour, making it highly economical.
Productivity:Capable of grading material equivalent to about 7.0 tippers per hour, theRoadMaster G9075 is ideal for projects like PMGSY, state highway expansions,MDR and ODR roads, and railway construction.

MahindraRoadMaster G9595: Built for High-Performance in Mega Projects
For larger, more demanding road projects, theMahindra RoadMaster G9595 delivers high productivity and low operating costs,making it a preferred choice for contractors aiming to maximize returns oninvestment.
Engine:This motor grader is equipped with a 69.9 kW (95 HP), 3.5-liter, 4-cylinderCRDi engine delivering 401 Nm of torque for powerful, high-level grading.
FuelEfficiency: It operates at a rate of 8-9 litres per hour,balancing power and economy.
Productivity:The G9595 is capable of grading material equivalent to approximately 9.0tippers per hour, making it perfect for large projects like state and nationalhighway expansions, MDR and ODR roads, and railway construction.
MahindraRoadMaster G75 Smart: The Smart Choice for Public Sector Projects
The G75 Smart model combines affordability withsuperior efficiency, designed specifically for government flagship projects andrural roads. With low ownership costs and remarkable fuel efficiency, it offerstremendous value to contractors.
Engine:The G75 is powered by a 55 kW (74 HP), 3.5-liter, 4-cylinder CRDi engine thatprovides 345 Nm of torque, ensuring consistent grading performance.
FuelEfficiency: Efficient fuel consumption of 7-8 litres perhour makes the G75 the most economical choice in its category.
Applications:It is ideal for public sector projects such as PMGSY roads, and tailored tomeet the needs of contractors working on government road initiatives.
TheMahindra RoadMaster Advantage: Performance, Efficiency, and Value
Every model in the Mahindra RoadMaster series isengineered with a focus on minimizing ownership costs and maximizingproductivity. These graders not only bring down operational costs but also helpcontractors deliver high-quality road work efficiently. Whether it is theaffordable G75 Smart, the versatile G9075, or the high-performance G9595,Mahindra RoadMaster offers the perfect solution for every type of road project.