Ravi Shankar Thandavandwells on the philosophy of security and ecosystem management for a givenfacility.

We are aware ofthe fact that the security control mechanism for a given facility hinges on theimpact of following factors:
- Geographical location;
- Type of Business Enterprise;
- Geo-political factors; and
- Threat Perception.
Let us take alook at each in a little detail.
Geographical location: Alot of factors go into the decision behind the setting up of an enterprise. Thedecision, then, is implementation, which invariably begins with sharing ofvital information with the stake holders. Concerted efforts are drawn based onthe geographical location and the other vital aspects that are invariably partof a threat analysis survey that may be formally or informally (based oncollective knowledge base and wisdom) taken up.
Type of Business Enterprise: Every business has its measure of connect or disconnect with thebelief and ethos of a society. Any business enterprise looks to harness thepositives from its ecosystem.
Geo-political factors: Geography,Politics, and History serve as a looking glass to study the future of a givenlocation. It is, therefore, pertinent to strategically locate businesses wheresuch energies can freely and fairly be harnessed. Architecture and design inthe modern-day context also draw from the valuable information available onthese factors.
Threat Perception: A sitesurvey and a threat analysis report form the blue print of the security apparatusdeployment, which will comprise of all the factors listed above.
Considering theundying human aspiration for bigger, better, and an enviable asset creation,most often than not, there is a constant tug-of-war between achieving what isdesired and compensation demands to achieve that. The essence is in theefficient management of resources of all kinds to deliver what has been aspiredfor. While compromise and execution go hand-in-hand, to effectively produce abalance between the two with focus on the objective is considered success.
Below are theguiding principles:
- Choice of the right technology.
- Proper deployment of systems bycompetent technicians.
- Efficient use of trained humanresource for interface.
- Understanding of systemlimitations.
- Optimize and Prepare to addresssystem demands.
- Access Management validationwith System processing demands.
Choice of the right technology: Choice of the right technology today is not difficult to achievewith specialist consultants available to facilitate this – quite in the linesof a customer’s demands on levels of security.
Proper deployment of systems by competent technicians:The best of systems demands capable hands that canerect, commission, and maintain them as per the instructions laid out by themanufacturers. It is, therefore, pertinent to ensure the field team hasundergone training and have secured certification from competent authoritiesand the manufacturer whose products and systems they will deliver as a solutionto the end user.
Efficient use of trained human resource for interface:It is observed that in India, there is a challengein removing the human interface to the most simple and user-friendly automationsolution. The fear of damage to a system by wilful, unmindful, or ignorant useris making the most sophisticated system redundant.
The availabilityof low-cost manpower should not turn to be a bane in such situations.Contractors or companies must not ignore basic requirements for training, moreso in cases where there is a lot of attrition (due to innumerable reasons) andit is a fact that training costs both time and money. Study has found that itis more often time that seems to be the reason for lack of continued trainingof personnel.

Understanding of system limitations: Stake holders have to also meet to discuss, understand, and plandeployment of systems and procedures much in line with the capability of agiven system. Lack of such coordination could lead to depending on unachievableor misjudged transactions timelines of systems. The effect from these could sometimeslead to issues of catastrophic proportions.
It is seen inseveral instances that such results have turned the deployment of good systemswith genuine demands being turned redundant wantonly. For, if not, the basicactivity would in itself stand defeated.
Optimize and prepare to address system demands: While optimizing, it is important to assume that a given system willfunction at its peak throughout its entire working life cycle is not correct.It is, therefore, important to plan for redundancy during maintenance andrelated activities.

It is here thatone needs to understand the demands of a system and cater to a solution bytaking into account the effects of wear and tear, software demands, powerimpacts, etc., and then arrive at an optimized BOQ. Lean BOQs may lookimpressive to the buyer but may fail to deliver a robust working system.
While working onAccess Control and Security, the functioning of the following electromechanicalsystems will have to be considered so as to put together a system that runsseamlessly with other systems and offers efficiency:
Access Control and Entrance Automation:
- Augmentation to basic territorydemarcation and protection is carried out by deployment of the followingsystems.
- Proximity card, Bio-metric orBluetooth-based authenticating Solution.
- Perimeter Protection withappropriate use of power fencing as and where it is required.
- Enhancement of protection iscarried out by also securing a premise with Under Vehicle Surveillance System(UVSS), Automatic Number Plate Recognition System (ALPR) etc.
- Physical Access ControlBarriers for pedestrians and Vehicles.
- X-Ray Baggage Scanning System.
- Door Frame Metal Detectors.
Access Control,depending on simple proximity card solution vis-à-vis a bio-metric solution,demands varied approaches to access management and people processing. While itis common knowledge that simple proximity card access is processed in muchshorter duration of time when compared to a bio-metric system depending on thetype of Bio-metric validation technology.

Parking Management and Vehicle Guidance – The Sciencebehind employee efficiency
It is, today,simply not enough to create facilities but also design them scientifically andaugment capabilities for smooth, easy, quick, and efficient use of theseresources. Much of the planning today is going into simplifying the process ofgetting to work and leave the place with as little an ado yet uncompromising onbasic safety and security of the stakeholders.
It is here apartfrom various technology simple Bluetooth and app-based access technology formanaging entry of vehicles, easily identifying a slot to park, park safely andarrive at the place of work in the shortest possible time and be able toretract this same level of ease of approach at the time of leaving the facilityis equally important.
Studies haveproved that this aspect has far reaching impact on an employee’s happinessquotient. Lack of focus on these matters it is pointed out could havedisastrous impact on their efficiency levels.

Pedestrian Movement Control
Physical accessprocessing varies from barrier to barrier. Typically, a pedestrian gate canprocess anywhere between 7-40 people a minute depending on the type ofPedestrian Gate used.
PedestrianSpeedstile Gates can process up to a maximum of 40 persons a minute. This,however, largely depends on the pedestrian behaviour during the said process.
It has beenobserved that pedestrians demonstrate varied behaviour patterns during thecourse of a day. Similarly, pedestrian behaviour patterns differ from industryto industry. It is out of experience and review of access behaviour study thatinference is drawn – that the first access at the time of office opening hoursis the quickest offering high through-puts.
Vehicle Movement Management
Vehicle entryinto and out of a facility is invariably at a very rudimentary level. It issurprising this must be the case, especially with close to three decades of theprevalence of these systems.
Complicationscompound when enhanced security measures are pressed into a design withoutthere being a perceived need for the same. However, if design is in line withthe initial threat outlook, then the design of the entire facility would havebeen under the said premise.
It is commonlyobserved that a design over a said period gets evolved and, unfortunately, apredicament is reached when the very implementation of the system becomesimpossible leaving a lot of investment go waste while they looked slick andsmart on paper. Vehicle Barriers, though are a part of the integrated security andaccess control system, it is most often ill-conceptualized or dictated by theconstraints of either space or the number and types of vehicles to beprocessed.
The vehiclebarriers integration to access management system is intercepted or circumventeddepending on the type of constraint on hand. It is, however, observed thatthere is invariably human intervention to the first line of security due tovaried reasons.
Perimeter Protection and Deterrence through use ofPhysical Barriers and non-obtrusive systems
Physical Barriers: Walls andFences are raised or erected for demarcating areas of ownership and protect thefacility or occupants of such an area.
The geographydictates the type of perimeter protection that will find place. The objective,nature of business, and protection level thus demanded will dictate thesecuring of the premises.
Unobtrusive Barriers or Detection Systems: Following are the types of non-obtrusive systems that are popularover and above physical barriers and they are adopted depending on siteconditions and the type of asset to be protected.
Active Infrared Beams: TheseIR beams are not visible to the naked eye and, thus, help detect unauthorisedclimb-over or access attempt.
Microwave Technology: Microwavesensors may be buried in the ground to stealthily observe and detect intrusion.
Laser Detection: Thistechnology is adopted to secure roofs and such other areas for added protection.
Cameras: They may findplace either complimenting or supplementing any of the above-mentionedtechnology.
It is everyone’s dream to build the most intelligent building by aspiring to introducebest products, adopting the best practices, however, through the choice of thelowest bidder. While the practice is not flawed, the compulsions have only theprice dictate the decision will be a cognitive delinquency. There are severalother aspects to ponder for if the decision is myopic, they turn out be afacility manager’s nightmare.
“Vehicle entryinto and out of a facility is invariably at a very rudimentary level. It issurprising this must be the case, especially with close to three decades of theprevalence of these systems.”

- Ravi Shankar Thandavan,
Director, - RevroyPvt. Ltd.