SCHWING–XCMG cranes offer many features andbenefits that make them suitable for various construction and material handlingapplications.

Crawler cranes are heavy-duty cranes that moveon tracks and can lift and move heavy loads at various heights and distances.SCHWING–XCMG crawler cranes have a capacity range from 50 tonnes to 4,000 tonnes,and can handle various applications, such as lifting steel structures, windturbines, bridges, power plants, and petrochemical facilities.
Tyre mounted cranes are mobile cranes that moveon tyres and can lift and move loads at various heights and distances. SCHWING–XCMGtyre mounted cranes have a capacity range from 8.0 tonnes to 1,300 tonnes, andcan handle various applications, such as lifting construction materials,equipment, containers, vehicles, and industrial products.
Tyre mounted cranes are equipped with severalinnovative features that enhance their performance and durability. They havesliders between boom sections that improve the boom structure integrity andstability.
They have a patented telescoping technology thatcontrols the boom extension and retraction smoothly and reduces wear and tear.They have a calibration free technology that eliminates the need to calibratethe load moment indicators frequently, saving time and hassle. They also have anall axle steering feature that allows them to steer all axles simultaneously orindependently, thereby improving their manoeuvrability and flexibility in tightspaces.

All Terrain Cranes are mobile cranes that canmove on both paved and unpaved roads and can lift and move loads at variousheights and distances. SCHWING–XCMG all terrain cranes have a capacity rangefrom 25 tonnes to 1,200 tonnes, and can handle various applications, such aslifting construction materials, equipment, containers, vehicles, and industrialproducts.
Asymmetricoutrigger positioning: The All Terrain Cranes have an optionof operating at asymmetric outrigger positioning, which means that eachoutrigger can be extended to a different length depending on the availablespace. This allows the crane to work at challenging sites where pre-existingstructures do not allow enough space for placement of cranes.
Hydro-pneumaticsuspension: The All Terrain Cranes have a hydro-pneumaticsuspension system that adjusts the height and level of the crane according tothe road conditions. This improves the driving comfort and safety of the crane.
Automatictransmission: The All Terrain Cranes have an automatictransmission system that optimizes the gear shifting and engine speed accordingto the load and terrain. This improves the fuel efficiency and performance ofthe crane.
SCHWING–XCMG cranes are designed keeping in mindthe economy and ease in operation, assembly, and transportation factors. Theyoffer many features and benefits that make them suitable for variousconstruction and material handling applications.
SCHWING Stetter India is committed to providingquality products and services to its customers, and has a network of dealersand service centres across the country. If you are interested in SCHWING–XCMGcranes, you can contact them through their website or phone number for moreinformation and enquiries.