Up on the roof

Re-roofing is a sustainable solution torevitalize an aged roof into an environmentally conscious stronghold, writes Ajay Rattan.

“Materials boasting high reflectivity orinsulation properties aid in reducing heating and cooling demands. Consequently,prioritizing options such as solar roofing and eco-friendly materials emerge asjudicious choices.”

-         Ajay Rattan,

AVP – Solution Business, Safety, Sustainability andCorporate Communications,

Tata BlueScope Steel Pvt. Ltd.

Envision a scenario where your roof, once asteadfast barrier against harsh elements in climatically unforgiving place, nowleaks, and leaving businesses exposed and financial stability at risk. Amidstthis challenge lies a remedy: re-roofing.

Re-roofing highlights the process ofrevitalizing an aged roof into an environmentally conscious stronghold. Beyondtangible benefits of reduced energy expenditures, re-roofing additionallypromises environmental benefits and visual depictions of sustainable businesspractices followed by a firm.

Put simply, re-roofing entails the replacementof an existing roof with a newer, better one, or a new roof over an old one,depending on factors like age and fragility. This strategic decision proves tobe prudent one, when the current roof shows signs of leakage, deterioration,shingle loss, or natural aging. Yet, re-roofing is more than mere restoration;it requires meticulous artisanship, correct assessment of the roof condition, usageof appropriate resilient materials, and seasoned expertise.

Left unattended, roofing issues can escalate,leading to substantial structural damage overall, putting safety at risk. Thus,before embarking on a re-roofing endeavour, it is important to consider threecritical factors; seeking guidance from roofing specialists is paramount, asthey often provide assessments of the existing roof’s condition, accompanied bytailored recommendations.

Suboptimal ventilation exacerbates these issues,resulting in increased indoor temperatures and a diminished roof lifespan. Theutilization of inferior materials and workmanship further aggravates thesechallenges, potentially even compromising the entire structure.

Leading roofing enterprises prioritise stringentdesign standards and rigorous testing protocols to ensure durability. Additionally,re-roofing aims to enhance building energy efficiency by sealing gaps andminimizing heat loss, consequently mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Particularlyin regions with scorching climates like Rajasthan, re-roofing is of paramountimportance in regulating indoor temperatures and diminishing reliance on air-conditioningonly.

Re-roofing initiatives often encompass theinstallation of new insulation and the enhancement of ventilation and heatingsystems, thereby prolonging roof longevity and optimizing energy consumption. Additionalconsiderations, such as roof age, aesthetic appeal, maintenance expenses, andproperty valuation state the pragmatic nature of re-roofing are alsoconsidered. The selection of appropriate roofing materials plays a vital rolein advancing sustainability objectives.

Materials boasting high reflectivity orinsulation properties aid in reducing heating and cooling demands. Consequently,prioritizing options such as solar roofing and eco-friendly materials emerge asjudicious choices.

Sheets crafted from Al-Zn alloy-coated steelstand out for their durability, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic appeal,offering a blend of functionality and sustainability.

As India endeavours towards achieving net-zeroemissions by 2070, it becomes imperative for the roofing industry to championenergy efficiency and sustainability causes. Which is where re-roofing emergesas a pragmatic stride towards realizing this ambitious yet necessary goal.


Re-roofing foroperational plant, Salcomp, Chennai, using profile LYSAGHT KLIP LOK® 700.

One of a kind!

Pool Yard House, designed for an elderly couple and their visiting family and friends by Ar. Badrinath Kaleru and his team is a one-of-its-kind house that exudes comfort.

Project Name: Pool Yard House.
Location: Sec–7, Panchkula, Haryana, India.
Built up area: 496 Sq. Mt.
Completed in: 2017.
Framework for the future

The GMS Grande Palladium project in Mumbai is a critical commentary on some of the antiquated notions that have plagued contemporary commercial design in the subcontinent.

Rapid urbanization and redevelopment has led to a blanket erasure of any identifiable architectural character in Mumbai, barring a few. The site for the GMS Grande Palladium is in close proximity t   READ MORE...
Garden of Paradise

The villa project in Bengaluru has been developed by KGA around an exceptionally well-planned central landscape, resulting in natural light and ventilation, yet privacy for each owner from neighbours. 

Architects: Karan Grover & Associates.
Category: Residential Villas.
Project Title: Raffles Par