Where quality matters

Maris Polymers India may be aggressively pushingits products and systems in the country. However, proving to the world what their‘capabilities’ mean and providing solutions in a way no other company can isanother sense of joy, writes VihaChitrodaCOO, Maris Polymers India.

“Maris Polymers SA Greece offers a wide varietyof products. However, products which are most relevant to the Indian market arethe only ones that are imported.”

Maris Polymers India (MPI) is committed to 100per cent leak-proof structures. The company provides world class waterproofingsolutions. MPI is aggressively pushing its products and systems to bag more andmore prestigious projects and uplift the ongoing Indian infrastructuredevelopments.

Today, MPI have partially succeeded in spreadingthe word of Maris to get its products specified with prominent projects.However, we are still looking at a long road to walk!

The Indian construction chemicals segment suggestsa monopoly with few major brand names rather than the right product at theright place. ‘Construction chemicals’ is a vast subject when looked at indepth.

All products are, more or less, similar as faras material properties are concerned. The expertise always lies in suggestingthe correct specifications and installing waterproofing systems the right way!

The construction chemicals industry in India is nowdeveloping steeply. Recommending the right waterproofing systems at the rightplace, and at the right price, is one of the most underrated areas of concernin the market today. Fortunately, for us, India is moving towards a ‘quality-based’approach.

Providing the client with the right solution inthe most economic way possible is one of the biggest legacies that MPI carriesafter associating with Saint-Gobain group; which speaks of ‘trust’ and ‘reliability’to our service enjoyers.

Maris Polymers SA Greece offers a wide varietyof products. However, products which are most relevant to the Indian market arethe only ones that are imported. MPI constantly keep on looking at otherprospective products which can increase the efficiency for diverse areas ofapplication.

All our products are tested and proven to have100 per cent successful track record till date! As a company, Maris – India iscurrently focusing on a niche market segment which values quality work solely.

MPI is also in the process of getting Marisproducts specified with Government bodies and assure a fixed chunk of businessthrough it each year! Proving to the world what our ‘capabilities’ mean andproviding solutions in a way no other company can is another sense of joy!


One of a kind!

Pool Yard House, designed for an elderly couple and their visiting family and friends by Ar. Badrinath Kaleru and his team is a one-of-its-kind house that exudes comfort.

Project Name: Pool Yard House.
Location: Sec–7, Panchkula, Haryana, India.
Built up area: 496 Sq. Mt.
Completed in: 2017.
Framework for the future

The GMS Grande Palladium project in Mumbai is a critical commentary on some of the antiquated notions that have plagued contemporary commercial design in the subcontinent.

Rapid urbanization and redevelopment has led to a blanket erasure of any identifiable architectural character in Mumbai, barring a few. The site for the GMS Grande Palladium is in close proximity t   READ MORE...
Garden of Paradise

The villa project in Bengaluru has been developed by KGA around an exceptionally well-planned central landscape, resulting in natural light and ventilation, yet privacy for each owner from neighbours. 

Architects: Karan Grover & Associates.
Category: Residential Villas.
Project Title: Raffles Par