Mtandt Group, a global leader for equipmentin construction and infrastructure solutions, is thrilled to announce a strategicpartnership with CO.ME.T. Officine, a renowned manufacturer of aerial workplatforms (AWPs) and industrial equipment. This collaboration marks asignificant milestone in Mtandt's journey towards enhancing its productofferings and expanding its market presence worldwide.
The partnership encompasses multiple facets aimed at leveraging eachother's strengths and expertise to deliver superior products and services tocustomers globally. The key highlights of the collaboration include:
1. Technical CollaborationAgreement for Truck Mounted AWP Manufacturing:
Mtandt Group and CO.ME.T. Officinehave signed a Technical Collaboration Agreement to manufacture Truck MountedAerial Work Platforms (AWPs) at Mtandt's state-of-the-art facility in Jewar,Uttar Pradesh, India. This strategic move aims to capitalize on the growingdemand for high-quality AWPs in the global market while leveraging CO.ME.T.Officine's advanced technology and Mtandt's manufacturing prowess.
2. Exclusive DistributionRights for CO.ME.T. Range in SAARC Region:
In addition to the manufacturingcollaboration, Mtandt Group has secured exclusive distribution rights for theCO.ME.T. range of industrial equipment in the South Asian Association forRegional Cooperation (SAARC) region. CO.ME.T. has established a subsidiary inIndia named Ernisco Woraerialifts Private Limited also known as Comet Bharat,further enhancing its presence and service offerings in the Indian market, Thispartnership allows Mtandt to offer a comprehensive portfolio of innovative andreliable industrial solutions to customers across SAARC countries,strengthening its position as a leading provider of construction andinfrastructure work-at-heights equipment solutions in the region.

3. Order Placement for 20Units of CO.ME.T OFFICINE:
As a testament to the confidence in the partnership and the qualityof Co.Me.T’s products, Mtandt Group has placed an initial order for 20 units ofCO.ME.T., valued at 1.5 million dollars, for its rental fleet. These units willfurther enhance Mtandt's rental offerings, enabling customers to accesscutting-edge industrial equipment for their projects while reinforcing Mtandt'scommitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.
Speaking about the partnership, Rakesh Modi, Chairman of MtandtGroup, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "We are delighted to partnerwith CO.ME.T. Officine, a renowned name in the industry, to strengthen ourproduct portfolio and expand our global reach. This collaboration underscoresour commitment to delivering innovative solutions and unparalleled value to ourcustomers worldwide."
For more information about Mtandt Group and its partnership with CO.ME.T.Officine, please visit Mtandt Group's Website.’s Website.
AboutMtandt Group:
Mtandt Group, established in 1974, isa global leader in providing innovative product and service solutions to workat heights. Operating across various sectors, including manufacturing,distribution, sales, renting, training, and services, the company is renownedfor its commitment to efficiency, cost savings, and service excellence. With avast network of nationwide dealerships in India and expanding into the SAARCregion, Mtandt Group caters to a diverse global clientele. With facilitiesstrategically located in Sri Lanka and Qatar, the company is dedicated todelivering transformative solutions that drive growth and success for itsclients, solidifying its position as a trusted industry leader.
AboutCO.ME.T. Officine:
CO.ME.T. Officine S.P.A.that stands forCostruzione Meccaniche e Trasportatori i.e. Mechanical Construction andTransportation systems was founded in 1960 by Walter Aleotti and has been thefirst company to introduce in Europe the concept of “platform for aerialworks”, equipment that finally enabled operators to work safely and withcomfort at high altitude. It produces several types of Aerial Platforms withvarious working heights from 10 up to 45 meters , assembled on trucks, tractorsor self propelled.
CO.ME.T. Officine provides a whole productrange with the most advanced systems, to fulfil all the needs of operators forboth public and private companies acting in garden maintenance, buildingindustry, electricity, road works, etc With a rich heritage and a globalpresence, CO.ME.T. Officine is committed to delivering superior products andsolutions to customers across industries.